
Become an affiliate with the best bookmakers

We partner with world-renowned brands, we have friendly support, and our leading platform allows you to generate profits quickly once you sign up. Take advantage of the benefits that Afiliapub platform offers you to increase your income!


Become an affiliate with the best bookmakers

como ganar comisiones por internet

Advantages and benefits


Las formas de ganar dinero como afiliado son a través de pagos por registro o lead (CPL) ,pagos por adquisición (CPA), reparto de ingresos (RS) y de forma híbrída. Leer más


Con nuestra avanzada herramienta de marketing digital, tenemos la posibilidad de ofrecer un seguimiento completo e instantáneo de todos los leads y comisiones generadas.

Monetizar tráfico

Maximiza tus canales de comunicación promocionando las mejores marcas de apuestas con banners, links y contenido optimizado. Rentabiliza tu web, canal de Telegram, WhatsApp y redes sociales.
Sácale el máximo provecho a tus múltiples canales de comunicación promocionando las mejores marcas de apuestas con banners, links y contenido optimizado. Rentabiliza tu web, canal de Telegram, WhatsApp y redes sociales.

Bonos y promociones

Recibe bono de bienvenida de 20 dólares al completar el segundo paso de nuestro registro y entérate de las promociones que publicamos en tu cuenta de afiliado y newsletter.
Recibe bono de bienvenida de 20 dólares al registrarte y entérate de las promociones que publicamos en tu cuenta de afiliado, redes sociales y newsletter.

Redes de afiliación

Refiere con tu link personal a otros usuarios interesados y crea tu propia red de afiliados, para que ganes más comisiones. Para mayor información, consulta con nuestros managers en todo momento.
Refiere a otros usuarios interesados y crea tu propia red de afiliados, para ganar más comisión. Consulta más información con nosotros.

Soporte especializado

Atención al cliente especializada, dedicada para cada país en el que operamos, en tu idioma preferido y de lunes a viernes entre las 10 am y 18 pm hora España y Brasil. Contáctanos.

Atención al cliente dedicado para cada país y en tu idioma preferido. Contáctanos.


The ways to earn money as an affiliate is through cost-per-lead (CPL), cost-per-acquisition (CPA), revenue share (RS) and hybrid. Read more


With our advanced digital marketing tool, we are able to offer complete and instant tracking of all leads and commissions generated.

Monetize traffic

Maximize your communication channels by promoting the best betting brands with optimized banners, links, and content. Monetize your website, and social media.

Bonuses and promotions

Receive a $20 welcome bonus when you complete the second step of our registration and stay updated with the promotions we publish on your affiliate account and newsletter.

Affiliate networks

Refer with your personal link to other interested users and create your own affiliate network to earn more commissions. For more information, consult with our managers at any time.

Specialized support

Specialized customer support dedicated to each country where we operate, in your preferred language, and available from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 6 pm Spain and Brazil time. Contact us.

Affiliate marketing for all types of bets

Create an account with us and promote all types of bets. Find your favorite sports, eSports games, and online casinos with the best bookmakers and promote them to generate income with your personal link.

Sports affiliates

All your competitions

If you’re a sports enthusiast, post about different competitions, or have a community that follows your predictions and comments, Afiliapub offers you the best links and banners to earn money by promoting sports betting brands.

  • More than 160 campaigns that make your channels profitable
  • Get real-time betting links
  • Promote sports competitions from all over the world

If you are a sports enthusiast, post about different competitions, or have a community, you can earn high commissions with sports betting brands with us.

  • More than 160 sports campaigns
  • Real-time betting links
  • For competitions from around the world

Sport affiliates

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Casino affiliates

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Casino affiliates

The house does not always win

Online casinos continue to grow; with constant innovation and a variety of games. At Afiliapub, we offer you links, content and bespoke banners that help you to generate revenue from the world’s best online casinos.

  • Over 90 campaigns that monetize your channels
  • For all online casino games
  • Links to promote live dealer casinos

Promote online casino betting houses and generate income through Blackjack, Slots, Poker, among many others.

  • Over 90 online casino campaigns
  • All casino games are valid
  • Links for casinos with live dealer


eSports affiliates

The future of online sports

Banners, links and content for entertainment games and video game competitions. We partner with the best eSports bookmakers, so you can benefit and receive financial rewards.

  • Get everything you need to promote your favourite video games.
  • We have campaigns for all your channels
  • Follow your reports from your mobile

Banners, links, and content for entertainment games and all live eSports competitions.

  • Campaigns for all your channels
  • Track your reports from your mobile device
  • Earn commissions with your favorite video games

eSports affiliates

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Sign up today and receive a $20 welcome bonus

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